Application Solar photovoltaic Fuel management enhanced for efficiency and safety in mining

Fuel management enhanced for efficiency and safety in mining

Safe and cost-effective fuel management with load metering skids and inventory management solutions

Fuel management is essential in the mining industry. Fuel is a major cost driver, with mining vehicles, particularly trucks, consuming large volumes. Moreover, the consequences of an interruption in fuel availability can be costly, with remote sites at the greatest risk. Accurate monitoring of silos when filling is also vital to minimize dangers to personnel and the environment. Sentasy fuel management technologies minimize risk and drive production efficiencies in mining operations.

Our products, services and solutions for you

Fuel is the lifeblood of a mine, however there is often potential for optimization in its management and control. Sentasy offers technologies with multiple applications for improving fuel management and handling in mining operations.

  • Loading metering skids for optimal fuel loading from suppliers

  • Inventory management resources to ensure constant fuel supply

  • Silo overfill prevention solutions to protect personnel and the environment


Straightforward fuel loading

Fuel loading can be an uncertain process, exacerbated by the low levels of accuracy of mechanical flowmeters, often only 0.5%, and disagreements between fuel suppliers and mine operators are commonplace.

Our expertise in the field

Sentasy offers multiple technologies to overcome ambiguities in fuel loading.

Enhanced fuel inventory management

Once delivered to site, fuel needs to be stored, monitored and managed. Mine operators need seamless access to high-quality online and real time data in order to make optimal decisions in fuel management.

Our expertise in the field

Sentasy offers cutting edge inventory management solutions for fuel storage facilities.

Dependable overfill prevention

Overfilling silos is not only hazardous to operators and to the immediate environment, valuable and scarce resources can go to waste.

Our expertise in the field

Sentasy  offers a comprehensive range of overfill prevention systems to mitigate these multiple risks.

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