Analytical Solutions Analytical monitoring panels

Analytical monitoring panels

Modular, simple-to-customize analytical panels for a wealth of applications

Our analytical monitoring panels simplify analytical measuring tasks throughout a range of industries including the power, chemical, oil & gas, water & wastewater and mining sectors. They are easy to customize to your requirements and offer improved plant safety, quality and efficiency. With or without sample conditioning, our panel solutions are modular, scalable and suitable for all kinds of applications.

Safe, simple water monitoring

As a full range supplier of modular proven-in-use panel solutions, we appreciate the benefits of a standard design that is easy to handle and add to. This, in conjunction with our commitment to providing the 'best fit' instruments for the job, means that commissioning is simplified, quality and plant safety are improved and costs are reduced.


Increased plant safety provided by our high quality instrumentation

Easy configuration, process integration and commissioning due to optimized modularity

Different requirements covered with choice of various sample preparation panels

Easy integration of virtually any existing and new instrumentation

Suitable for use with Memosens digital technology

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